معرض جيسكو التعليمي الرابع والعشرون!
Registration Form
Are you a student in the midst of your academic journey, whether in high school or a postgraduate program, eager to explore the exciting world of higher education? We have an upcoming event that you won’t want to miss! Join us and get the chance to engage with representatives from prestigious universities, who will provide you with all-inclusive information about their diverse range of courses and programs. This exceptional occasion promises to provide you with all the knowledge you need to make well-informed decisions about your future educational endeavors. We highly count on your presence at this event, as it presents a golden opportunity to shape your path to success!
Venue: The Landmark Hotel – Venue Hall
التاريخ: November 1st & 2nd
Time: 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
!إستثمر بمسيرتك التعليمية بالخارج مع جسكو
بنستناكم في معرضنا التعليمي الرابع والعشرون مع وجود ممثلي اكثر من 20 جامعة حول العالم للإجابة عن جميع استفساراتكم، يومي الاربعاء والخميس 1و 2 نوفمبر ، من الساعة 4 الى 8 مساءً في فندق اللاندمارك.
.الدعوة عامة وحضورك مجاني!
Landmark Hotel Amman
List of the participating universities:
- University of Bristol – UK
- Swansea University – UK
- University of Reading – UK
- Loughborough University – UK
- University of Kent – UK
- University of Bradford – UK
- Herriot-Watt University – UK
- University of East Anglia – UK
- University of Brighton – UK
- University of Westminster – UK
- SOAS University – UK
- University of Sunderland – UK
- University of Wolverhampton – UK
- Ulster University – Ireland
- Swiss Hotel Management School – Switzerland
- Hotel Institute Montreux – Switzerland
- César Ritz Colleges – Switzerland
- Culinary Arts Academy – Switzerland
- EU Business School – Spain
- University of Bedfordshire – UK and Jordan campuses
- Kaplan International Pathway – Pathway Provider
- MPW – Pathway Provider
- Abbey DLD Group of Colleges – Pathway Provider