جيسكو للدراسة في الخارج

Kaplan International Colleges is a division of the education company Kaplan Inc

Kaplan International Colleges (KIC) works in partnership with leading universities to prepare international students for studying a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the UK.


Kaplan International Colleges owns and operates 42 English as a foreign language and EAP schools in 8 countries. They are located in the following destinations:

  • Australia: Brisbane, Cairns, Manly, Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide
  • Canada: Toronto and Vancouver
  • England: Bath, Somerset Bournemouth, Cambridge, London Covent Garden and Leicester Square, Manchester, Oxford, Salisbury and Torque
  • New Zealand: Auckland
  • Republic of Ireland: Dublin
  • Scotland: Edinburgh
  • United States: Berkeley, Boston, Harvard Square and Northeastern University, Chicago and Illinois Institute of Technology, Irvine, Westwood, Los Angeles, College, Miami, Midtown Manhattan, East Village, Manhattan, Empire State Building, Philadelphia, Portland, Oregon, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Seattle, Seattle Highline and Washington, D.C.